Collaborated with other researchers across Canada in a major study on how some communities in Canada have managed to increase bicycle use and what can be learned from this experience that might help others follow suit. The study also assessed the cost of various measures to increase bicycle use and provided recommendations on how communities can best invest their limited resources for the greatest impact. Led by Beth Savan at the University of Toronto.
Designed and implemented a consultation process to update and complete the professional standards that govern the certification of planners, accreditation of planning schools, and ethical conduct of registered planners in Canada.
Inventoried hundreds of innovative approaches to sustainable land use planning in Canada and abroad and conducted 27 deteailed case studies of the most effective intitiatives.
Conducted research on housing affordability in smaller cities in BC as background to a series of face-to-face workshops with local housing stakeholders in key centres across the province.
Developed a public engagement kit on the new planning environment in the Greater Golden Horseshoe following the reform of the OMB, the new Growth Plan for the region, and legislative changes affecting public engagement opportunities.
Investigated the prospects for setting up a collaborative research program that would link university-based academics, students, municipal officials and NGOs in efforts to develop innovative solutions to urban problems.
Developed three new policies for Canada's professional planning institute, on healthy communities, reconciliation in the context of community planning, and climate change. The work involved consultation with hundreds of indivisuals and dozens of stakeholder groups.
Conducted a study on how urbanize regions in the world have managed growth, especially in terms of encouraging development in urban centres and along transit corridors. The study served as a background document in the ten-year review of Metro 2040, the regional plan for Metro Vancouver.
Developed a strategy document for a new organization focused on how new trends in governance, infrastructure, financing, and collective intelligence can contribute to climate-friendly and euitable cities.
Developed an engagement and capacity building process to support Infrastructure Canada’s new Smart City Challenge in the context of Evergreen’s bid to manage the public engagement aspect of the initiative.
Researched urban-related "challenges" around the world, i.e., competitions with large prizes that inspire innovative ways of solving important urban problems.
Co-authored (with Alan Mallach of the Brookings Institution) of America's Urban Future: Lessonss from North of the Border. This book explores the differences between Canadian and US cities in terms of sustainability and liveability and attempts to understand the reasons for those differences.
Prepared a report on the challenges involved in maintaining a strong farming sector in the urban shadow, along with policy recommendations directed at the provincially appointed panel reviewing the planning framework in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Prepared a policy report on lessons that can be drawn from the history of urbanization in Canada and how they could be applied to cities in the US. In association with Dr. Alan Mallach, Brookings Institution.
Authored a report on urban sustainability and the potential role of major funders in moving the sustainability agenda forward in Canadian cities.
Created a manual for developers, planning professionals and community leaders on how to create sustainable neighbourhoods. In association with Golder Associates Inc.
Conducted a study on the gap between the promise and practice of Smart Growth in Canada. Housing and planning data in six metropolitan regions were used to assess trends in development patterns over the last 25 years and to compare those to Smart Growth expectations. In association with Regionomics Inc..
Wrote a report on the role of the Greenbelt around Toronto in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
Designed an exhibit on urban ecosystems and sustainability at Environment Canada's Biosphere museum in Montreal.
Researched the self-selection bias and how it may affect the outcome of research on neighbourhood design features that contribute to sustainability. In association with Regionomics Inc.
Prepared a brief to the Ivey Foundation, a major environmental grant maker in Canada, summarizing issues related to urban sustainability.
Researched the emerging profession of community energy management, describing the various types of positions in the public and private sector that are involved in community energy management and to identify training and other support needs.
Conducted a study on the long-term threats to the viability of the Ontario Greenbelt, which was set up in 2005 to help control sprawl in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The potential threats include sprawl and leapfrog development outside the greenbelt, aggregate extraction within the greenbelt, infrastructure building across the greenbelt, and climate change.
Created a calculator that allows users to compare the life cycle costs and benefits of green roofs under different scenarios.
Conducted a study on the current state of knowledge related to active transportation in Canada. The study surveys sources of quantitative information and identify gaps and inconsistencies that could be addressed by a more integrated approach. In collaboration with Geoffrey Noxon Inc.
Carried out research to estimate the GHG reduction potential of community energy management. Included a sectoral analysis (transportation, buildings, industry, etc.), community-level case studies, and a review of research studies on the link between urban form and vehicle use. In association with Sheltair Inc.
Wrote a consultation document on Integrated Community Energy Solutions, designed to lead to a federal framework for reducing GHG emissions from communities across Canada. In association with with Sheltair Inc.
Analyzed the linkages between urban form, travel mode choice, and the potential for greenhouse gas mitigation.
Co-wrote the third BC Sprawl Report, which focuses on walking and urban form. The study features the creation of a walkability index based on ten indicators of the neighbourhood built environment for 20 municipalities across the province. In association with Regionomics Inc.
Quanitified the benefits of green infrastructure, including property value increases, marketing, noise attenuation, water and air purification, and GHG reductions. Conducted in association with Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Inc.
Prepared an overview of sustainable community planning models and practices in Canada. In association with Marbek Consulting Inc.
Created a catalogue of the 100 best resources that can help Canadian practitioners implement sustainable community development. In association with Marbek Consulting Inc.
Carried out a study on the impact of land use decisions on housing affordability and mechanisms to achieve more affordable housing while managing growth. In association with Regionomics Inc.
Quantitatively tested New Urbanist claims related to travel and social behaviour by comparing four New Urbanist neighbourhoods across Canada with four conventionally designed neighbourhoods. In association with Regionomics Inc.
Prepared a report on municipal sustainability best practices in Canada, US and Mexico, including 12 detailed case studies.
Conducted a study on the impact of urban form on energy use in 27 archetypal neighbourhoods across seven Canadian municipalities.
Wrote a report on the impacts of urbanization on the environmental quality in the Great Lakes Basin.
Analyzed various fiscal instruments for their potential to support smart growth goals.
Estimated the impact of government-imposed costs (such as property taxes and development charges) on housing prices and the demand for different types of housing in 30 Canadian cities. In association with Dr. Andrejs Skaburskis of Queen's University.
Created an on-line database of all English-language research on the benefits of green roofs and a manual for municipal officials and other stakeholders interested in developing municipal policies and programs to encourage green roofs. In association with Dr. Hitesh Doshi of Ryerson University and Dr. Brad Bass of the University of Toronto.
Wrote case studies on transit-oriented development in urban regions across Canada.
Assessed the feasibility of establishing a smart growth accreditation system in Ontario at the neighbourhood and community levels.
Create an on-line course on Smart Growth for municipal officials and other stakeholders in urban development. In association with Gloria Venczel and Dr. Don Alexander.
Developed criteria and methods for evaluating subdivision plans for livability and sustainability.
Assessed the feasibility of establishing a smart growth accreditation system in Ontario at the neighbourhood and community levels.
Designed a quantitative study on energy use and attitudes in an inner-city neighbourhood in Montreal using a door-to-door survey of 400 households. In association with Joshua Wolfe.
Prepared a brief on environmental issues in urban areas to help foundations develop their grantmaking strategies in this field.
Analyzed six metropolitan regions in Canada to assess growth management policies and achievements on the ground over the last 15 years.
Authored a report on the sustainability status of 24 municipalities in Ontario, using both statistical indicators and case studies.
Developed a criteria and methods for evaluating subdivision plans for livability and sustainability.
Assessed the feasibility of establishing a smart growth accreditation system in Ontario at the neighbourhood and community levels.
Investigated the use of indicators to assess community sustainability in Canada’s rural communities.
Examined the degree to which air quality and greenhouse gas emissions are taken into account in land use and transportation planning within the Greater Toronto Area.
Conducted 10 case studies on the redevelopment of greyfield commercial areas in small- and medium-size Ontario cities.
Analyzed the potential use of indicators in benchmarking and comparing the sustainability performance of major cities across Canada.
Generated a background report for the Smart Growth Canada Network conference in Ottawa. The report looked at recent progress on smart growth in Canada, barriers and what federal agencies could do to move the agenda forward.
Explored the links among urban form, livability and economic variables in 24 BC municipalities, using an indicators framework.
Advised HRM on techniques for increasing the supply of affordable housing including land use, regulatory and financial measures.
Advised the City of Ottawa’s Housing Affordability Working Group, which was set up to identify mechanisms for implementing the City’s affordable housing objectives.
Conducted a survey of municipal regulations affecting community energy use. The report summarized bylaws, standards, codes and guidelines that influence the design of buildings, sites, neighbourhoods and whole cities along with their transportation systems.
Produced 12 case studies of intensification best practices from across Canada, focusing on municipal policy measures.
Examined the degree to which land use and transportation planning in five metropolitan areas across Canada took into account air quality and climate change issues.
Created a four-year research plan relating to community energy management, with proposed topics ranging from sustainable transportation and growth management to energy from waste and district heating.
Reported on sprawl and auto-dependency in several regions in British Columbia, including a statistical summary of indicators and a number of case studies.
Surveyed the use of quantitative indicators and targets in growth management and sustainable community development.
Created a guidebook to help municipalities develop an affordable housing strategy. The work involved intensive consultation with the municipal sector and a world-wide review of municipal housing strategies.
Asessed progress in the Vancouver region towards more compact and transit-oriented growth.
Explored the role of municipalities in increasing the supply of low-cost housing. Municipal instruments investigated included inclusionary zoning, performance-based planning, development charges, and alternative development standards.
Created a greenhouse gas emissions calculator for Canadian households.
Developed a policy paper on sustainable community development and transportation for the OEN’s Green Action Plan.
Studied the barriers to sustainable real estate development and measures the federal government could take to help stimulate innovative forms of development in the Canadian real estate industry.
Explored the impact of development charges on urban form. The study included a survey of developers across the country and detailed case studies of particular municipalities.
Carried out a comprehensive survey of energy policy and policy-making agencies in the US and Canada.
Produced two guides for municipal officials on reducing greenhouse gas emissions: one on methane recovery from landfill sites and the other on transportation-related matters.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship on how municipal financial instruments (property taxes and development charges) influence urban form and environmental variables. With Dr. A. Skaburskis of Queen’s University.
Produced a report on growth management and intensification in the Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal regions.
Conducted a national survey of ecosystem-based planning initiatives at the local level. The report refined the model of ecosystem planning in urban regions.
Conducted one of the first major studies on residential intensification in Canada, with Dr. E. Isin, then of York University. Research involved a survey of 1000 municipalities in 140 urbanized areas in order to determine where and how intensification was occurring in Canada.
Research evaluating the importance of urban form in attaining sustainable urban development. The report proposed an ecosystem planning model for urban regions.
Identified and documented 350 case studies for a report on sustainable urban development in Canada.